Today, we will have presentations from these folks:
- 3:35: Rachel T
- 3:45: Erin M
- 3:55: Megan G
- 4:05: Pierce S
- 4:15: Jenn R (YouTube Video)
- 4:25: Kevin W
- 4:35: Alex M (back-up link)
If you are presenting on Tuesday, be sure to email me the link to your presentation by 8 AM on Tuesday, 5/6. The link can simply be to the page on your WordPress site where you will post your project.
- If you haven’t done so already, please fill out the Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT) survey for this course. The feedback helps the department make important decisions about teaching methods, course content, and faculty promotion. Written comments help me decide what to keep or change the next time I teach the course. In many ways, I find the written comments the most helpful part of the evaluation. I do not see the feedback until several weeks after the last day of class, and your comments are anonymous.